Saturday, 23 April 2016

To visit or not to visit: By Drone

Well, I will continue my blogs in English for now.. and will occasionally switch to dutch. Being bi-lingual does have, like most things, it's advantages and disadvantages.

My blog is called Omaverweg. It is a result of requests from other 'oma's ver weg' to share my thoughts, experiences and ideas about this phenomena. Because - being an oma far away although not new, has changed over the years.

My oma used the blue airmail letters to communicate with us.

Later on we were able to phone and not only that, letters, cards and parcels arrived with more frequency as the flights to and from Down Under increased.

Today, with the internet - the ICT revolution, communication is so diverse, so available that being 'far away' is only a physical issue.  We can stay in contact with our loved ones on a day to day- eyeball to eyeball by way of FaceTime, Skype, Snapchat, e-mail and the ever reduced costs of phone conversations.

No, we omas can't babysit, take the kids to school or fold the washing. We can however communicate directly with our children and grandchildren. Most of them being even more confident with the
options and possibilities that are available to them.

And now there is more- I recently watched a documentary on Drones. On the ethical, moral and practical implication of a new possibility, a new way of communicating, information seeking, invasive maybe type of invention that is rapidly taking shape of which the consequences are now only becoming apparent.

Maybe one day I can watch my grandchildren at the beach, be at a baptism, school ball or wedding without leaving my home.

Will there be an Oma far away in the future writing about her experiences and being grateful for this technological development?

If you want to see this documentary- here is the link. DRONES: Invasie van de Drones.

It does answer as it does pose questions. I am curious how this dilemma will shape my and my grandchildren's future.

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