Friday, 10 February 2023

World events and other stuff!

As I mentioned in my last blog about a book I was just starting to read, I had to put it down and let it rest a while. Then finally, I plucked up my Dutch Courage, and read on. The book was called, " The Sisters of Auschwitz," by Yvonne van Ieperen. It exposed a darker side of our (my) country's history. Nothing to be proud of. I know, I know, it is all explainable, sometimes even justifiable, but betrayal in my eyes is unforgivable. Easy for me to say in 2023, in my warm home, comfy chair at my desk in my Woman Cave, where the only 'bang' noises I hear is from fireworks the youth so desperately want to let off!

That's the thing and also the theme of today's world. Hindsight can be more of a hindrance than help, whilst I like to think, we need hindsight so we can use the events to learn and adapt our handling during situations which overwhelm us. Not to use to brow beat the past and point fingers, looking for someone to blame.

If I look back on my life's path there are many decisions that I could have made differently. There would still have been a action-reaction, only different. I will never know how different. My imagination could - but that's neither here nor there. 

Recent cyclone weather has hit mostly the North Island of New Zealand. Loss of life. Millions, maybe even billions of dollars in damage, and as the saying goes, " it ain't over yet!". More rain and high damaging winds are on the way. People have been urged to have a minimum of 3 days food and water at the ready. 

In Ukraine the war still rages, as it does in so many countries. In Turkey and Syria death and destruction. With Syria being doubly hit with the conflicts there making bringing aid there difficult. What a tragedy. Too big for words. Drought, hunger greed and animosity. When will the proverbial penny drop?

What a tragic situation we humans are in. We cannot seem to find the recipe for peace and co-operation. Of humanism and altruism. I can imagine people despairing. Of wondering whether it is worth staying around for what seems like more unrest, disaster and sadness.

I am not a pessimist. I firmly believe there is a way. Not a way back, because that is paved with all what is wrong with today's world. But a way forward. To scrutinize the past, admit the bad judgement calls and walk together. We CAN do this. It isn't hard. Let go of wanting to be the best! The first! The mightiest! Stop imposing values YOU alone respect and allow for diversity and uniqueness. Everyone has something to offer. We all count.

It is funny, when I started writing I had such another 'path' I was going to follow. I've let my fingers do the walking of the keyboard. What I do want to add, and then I will rest my fingers, is:

I am 'white', blond going grey, a female, catholic, have social justice as my focus, adopted the verse from Micah ( 8:6) many many years ago as my mantra, make mistakes, am aware of my shortcomings and am sitting at my 'typewriter' so maybe I could be called a " Social Media Cowboy (girl)" shooting from the hip. I am aware if I was to join the conversation about issues I will be judged on that and labelled accordingly. So many thoughts I have a filtered, unsaid and unwritten. Freedom of thought, speech and ideals are no longer free. That makes me sad! 

On a lighter note, as I said, I am not a pessimist, the aid being offered from around the world to grief stricken areas gives me hope, the many organizations which set about helping people in need are many, the realization we need to do something to change our way of life in regard to the environment is being seen as more and more urgent and accepted as a responsibility by all.

Don't just be kind to the neighbor but be kind to the whole neighborhood. And as a friend of mine says at the end of all her videos: "Do something kind for the world today!"

Live Justly

Love tenderly, 

and walk humbly with your God.

Micah 8:6

Be Good.              Be kind.          Keep smiling

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